Musings from a Loft
Celebrating a literary lifestyle dedicated *mostly to the fantasy + sci-fi genres, with the occasional review from the mortal realm.
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Meet Britt Lowry, Booktok’s Resident Audiobook Expert
Meet Britt Lowry. Wife. Mom. Photographer. Aspiring writer. And someone you might recognize as @listenwithbritt, the queen of audiobooks on Booktok.
11+ of the Best Free + Paid Audiobook Apps to Listen to Your Next Read
Over the past few years, I’ve become a huge fan of audiobooks–especially for my nonfiction reads. I can somehow digest the complex information easier…
Book Review: John Gwynne’s Fantasy Epic, The Bloodsworn Trilogy
When I tell you this is one of the best adult fantasy series I’ve read in a long time, and you need to pick it up immediately…
49+ Bookish Acronyms + Phrases You Need to Know
Ok, what’s with all the acronyms?! If you’re new to the bookish community, you might find yourself confused by all the acronyms and phrases being thrown around.
How to Read “S” aka Ship of Theseus
Last summer, the “book within a book, within a book” went viral on Booktok. And it’s been making the rounds again.
Welcome to a Third Place Adventure…
Welcome to the start of a new adventure, book lovers! I’m so glad you’re here!