Show Review: ‘The Rings of Power’ Season Two, Ep 8: a Finale Leaving Us Wistful for the Next Season

Image courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios



So basically, it’s canon that Sauron is just a sad, emo boy with an unrequited love for Galadriel, so he decides to destroy Middle-earth instead…I’m kidding. But also, I’m not mad about this storyline. What a great finale to an epic second season. I truly loved this season, and while I do think a lot of it was rushed because of the amount of storylines they were trying to fit in, and the short amount of episodes, it was still so well done. I will be chomping at the bit for Season three announcements, and I’m hopeful that now a few storylines have concluded we’re set up for a less choppy season in the future. In this episode, we got the epic showdown between Sauron and Galadriel that we’ve been waiting for all season, confirmation the Stranger is Gandalf, and a solid set up for the next season. I am begging we don’t have to wait two years again, and also I would like to request Glorfindel make an appearance next season.

Starting off the episode with our friendly neighborhood Balrog being awakened centuries ahead of schedule was…a choice. I mean, I knew this was probably coming, but it’s a little bit frustrating they’re going completely off the rails with the timeline. Also, the shot with King Durin being snagged by the whip of fire was just a little too close to Gandalf’s scene for me. But his sacrifice was beautiful and gave them a bit of time it seems.

What is KEMEN doing here?! (My first thought seeing him appear in the Southlands.) Berek once again stole the scene! I still feel like Kemen is the true villain of the season. He has absolutely zero redeeming qualities, and at least the other villains are hot. Wait, did I just say that? I mean…am I wrong? Sauron and Adar both have some redeeming qualities. Don’t hate me for saying so. Anyway, I hope Kemen gets smashed by an Ent next season because of his tree comments. Or Elendil could just run him through with Narsil. I would also be ok with that.

Eärien finally being useful for one second and helping her father was a surprise. I mean, it doesn’t make up for all the terrible, terrible choices she made this season, but it’s a start. Also, I was slightly confused. How does Elendil know his son is in Middle-earth? I thought he thought Isildur was dead? I had actual CHILLS when Miriel gives Elendil Narsil! Sometimes prequels can have such an incredible emotional impact because fans already know what’s going to happen, and it hits so much harder.

I was sobbing seeing Celebrimbor and Sauron. The arrows?! I’m absolutely heartbroken. What an incredible duo though. Sauron is so evil (I know, Captain Obvious). I have to give so many flowers to Charlie Vickers and Charles Edwards for their sublime portrayals. Celebrimbor’s descent was perfection, and Vickors has killed this role of Annatar. The way he goes from gaslighter extraordinaire to extreme evil to innocent Lord of Gifts. And when the Uruks came in? You can see the gleam in his eye: yes, another being to manipulate.

Adar. You beautiful, broken thing. I’m so glad we got a glimpse of him healed by the ring. The betrayal by his ‘children’ was inevitable, but also heartbreaking. He’s honestly one of my favorite characters of the series. Complex, and morally grey. I knew he wasn’t going to make it out of this season, but I’m still pretty heartbroken over him. I’m glad he and Galadriel reconciled. Also, it was a bit poetic, the complete mirror of his death with the one he dealt Sauron in the caves at the beginning of the season. That was a pretty horrific death though, and definitely not for the squeamish. The betraying Uruk, Glug, being unceremoniously killed by Sauron towards the end of the episode just goes to show you he has loyalty to no one but himself. Another tragic death.

Did you catch it? Sauron saying the beginning of Tolkien’s poem?! “The road goes ever winding…” There are still so many little nods to Tolkien’s poetry and songs this season, and I eat them up every time. Galadriel and Sauron’s fight was epic. I loved how they weaved in the illusions, and showing how strong her mind really is to be able to withstand Sauron’s manipulations, especially when someone like Celebrimbor was not. “The Door is shut,” was an epically delivered line, along with, “Heal yourself.” So cold. Yeah, you need therapy Sauron. They finally gave the people what they wanted: Sauron declaring he caught feelings for Galadriel. And I was so here for it. Even in his twisted way.

When I tell you the scream I scrumpt when I heard the first Dwarvish horn coming to Eregion’s aid! And of course, King Gil-galad’s, “Dwarves!” delivery was so perfect, and somehow so funny to me. And I completely get the significance of having Elrond use the ring to heal Galadriel since he was so against using their power, but couldn’t he have just put the ring on her to heal her?

I saw someone say Elrond’s Roman Empire would be the Library of Alexandria, and now I get it. That was actually so tragic to lose all of that history. Arondir lives! So we’ll call that a win. Overall, a beautiful season, and a great final episode.

Just a reminder: If Isildur doesn’t end Kemen next season, I will riot. And I’ll end it with that. What a season! Until next time, mellon.

Let me know in the comments (and keep it respectful, please), what did you think of the finale?!

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