Choose Your Own Reading Adventure: Join Our Free, Fantasy Summer Reading Challenge

A fantasy focused Summer Reading Challenge hosted by Ashley Whitlatch, founder of Books are my Third Place, a fantasy literary lifestyle site + shop. Free Summer Reading Challenge workbook.

Happy Summer Solstice! If reading more this summer is a priority for you, consider this your official invite to the inaugural BAMTP Summer Reading Challenge! Sometimes you need that extra nudge or helping hand, and this reading challenge is going to do just that. There are nine prompts, and while they are fantasy book focused, I tried to keep them general enough so you have tons of freedom to curate the summer TBR of your dreams. And if you want to sneak in books outside of the fantasy genre, many of the prompts will still work. You can sign up for free here:

When you join, you’ll get a confirmation email and a welcome email with all the info and links to resources, so make sure you check your spam folder and move it to your inbox if it happens to land there! Readers can expect a check-in email every two weeks throughout the summer with my personal recs for each prompt, tips, more templates, and potentially some Zoom reading hours!

In addition to the Challenge prompts, when you sign up you’ll get a PDF workbook you can print out or use digitally with the Summer Reading Challenge prompts, a progress tracker, TBR page, and a review journal as well as links to resources like our challenge Discord chat (you'll find a Forum with chats dedicated to the Summer Reading Challenge) which is a wonderful way to connect with fellow community members or find a buddy read.

Social Media Templates for the BAMTP Fantasy Summer Reading Challenge you can use across Bookstagram and Booktok to share your reading this summer!

Since this is community focused, sharing your progress and participation via social media + the Discord is key and helps us hold each other accountable throughout the summer! I’ve also created a variety of social templates you can use to kick off your challenge, including a Challenge TBR, first read, and review templates. Our hashtag for the Challenge is: #BAMTPreadingchallenge on Instagram + TikTok.

If you’re like, “Hey, this is cool, but I don’t want the emails or community stuff, and just want to do this Challenge on my own”, the PDF Workbook can be purchased in our Digital Shop HERE.

Either way, I love helping people discover a love for reading, finding amazing reads, and of course, connecting with the BAMTP community. I hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful summer of reading!🏝️


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