A Reading Adventure: Join the Second Annual BAMTP Summer Reading Challenge with a Guide + Workbook

Happy Summer Solstice! If reading more this summer is a priority for you, consider this your open invite to the second annual BAMTP Summer Reading Challenge, and sign up below to grab the free Guide + Workbook PDF, plus social templates to share your TBR and progress throughout the summer! Sometimes you need that extra nudge or helping hand, and this reading challenge is going to do just that. We’ll also have a chat in the Discord if people want to connect with others. There are nine prompts, and while most are fantasy book focused, I’ve kept them general enough so you have the freedom to curate the summer TBR of your dreams. If you want to sneak in books outside of the fantasy genre, many of the prompts will still work, so all genres are welcome. You can sign up for free here:

When you join, you’ll get a welcome email with all the info and links to the Summer Reading Challenge Guide + Workbook PDF, and templates, so make sure you check your spam folder and move it to your inbox if it happens to land there! Depending on interest, there may be some community reading sprints. Curious about the prompts? You can catch a peek at my BAMTP Summer Reading Challenge TBR:

My Summer Reading Challenge TBR:

Tips for Reading More During the Summer:

  1. Set a Reading Schedule:

    • There’s no point in continuing to read a book you’re hating, or isn’t bringing you joy. Or honestly, maybe you’re just bored. Let it go, and pick up something you’ll love!

  2. Always Carry a Book:

    • We’re bookworms, we already do this, right? Keep a book or Kindle with you wherever you go. You never know when you'll have a few minutes to read – while waiting for an appointment, during a lunch break, at the beach, or commuting.

  3. Create a Comfortable Reading Nook:

    • Find or create a cozy spot where you can escape into your books. A comfortable chair, good lighting, and maybe even some background music can enhance your reading experience.

  4. Join Reading Sprints and Challenges on LIVEs:

    • Participate in challenges like this one, or join a reading sprint (if there’s enough interest!) hosted in my Discord server. These timed reading sessions are like SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) like you did in school, and are so fun!

  5. Mix It Up:

    • Don’t be afraid to mix genres and formats. Switch between audiobooks, e-books, and physical books to keep things interesting and fit reading into different parts of your day. I almost always have multiple formats of books going at any one time. I especially love listening to non-fiction on audio.

  6. Buddy Read with Friends:

    • Partner with a friend or maybe someone you meet in the Challenge! Discussing what you're reading with others can deepen your understanding and enjoyment of the book, but I never want it to feel like homework, so you won’t see any deadlines here. Read at your own pace.

  7. Track Your Progress:

    • Use the Reading Tracker and Challenge progress tracker in the Challenge Workbook to track your progress throughout the summer, and feel amazing about all the books you’re reading.

Since this is community focused, sharing your progress and participation via social media + the Discord is key and helps us hold each other accountable throughout the summer! Our hashtag for the Challenge is: #BAMTPreadingchallenge on Instagram + TikTok, and those who share their TBRs and tag @booksaremythirdplace will get a special discount perk for anything from the Valor & Lore Shop!

Happy reading, and hopefully see you in the Discord or on social!

If you’re like, “Hey, this is cool, but I don’t want the weekly BAMTP emails or community stuff, and just want to do this Challenge on my own”, the PDF Guide + Workbook can be purchased in our Digital Shop HERE.

Either way, I love helping people discover a love for reading, finding amazing reads, and of course, connecting with the BAMTP community. I hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful summer of reading!🏝️


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