Complimentary Bookish Tech Backgrounds for February 2023

Obstinate headstrong girl jane austen quote on Books are my Third Place's free monthly desktop backgrounds

Well, we survived January, and it’s actually starting to get lighter longer. Is it Spring yet? No? Ok, cool.

At least it’s a month of love—even for those of us who are single. As we wrap up our buddy read of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn trilogy, I had to include with this month’s bookish digital wallpaper set, one of my favorite quotes from Vin. And yes, it had me tearing up again. The Hero of Ages really cuts deep. We’ve also got one of my fave quotes from Jane Austen to go along with the upcoming merch release in the Shop on February 10th, and one from our current buddy read, Daughter of No Worlds by Carissa Broadbent, which seems to be taking over Booktok at the moment. As always, I hope these brighten up your desktop backgrounds.



Book Review: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, the Book That Would Not End


Book Review: Was ‘The Hero of Ages’ the Hero of Mistborn, Era 1?